Saturday, May 3, 2008

Gender Based Inequality

Gender and Work
  • There is an income disparity between women and men.
  • Occupations have become segregated based on the amount femininity or masculinity.
  • Teachers, nurses, secretaries, and librarians have become female-dominated occupations, while occupations including architects, electrical engineers, and airplane pilots remain predominately male.


Cahyin Chang said...

Well, i don't believe that women have the only chance to have this kinds of professions just for being women, we can be more then that.

Jonatan Choe said...

you are correct!! women have more opportunities than those mentioned!! although it is sad that in our society their opportunities are reduced to almost nothing.

Debbie! said...

i am conscious that the fact that this ''this assignation of jobs'' to male or female both exist in our society, but i dont totally dont agree with this because i believe men and women are free to chose what ever job they want.

Areli Quintanilla said...

I agree with all of you coments!But i believe too that woman can ovecome all those obstacles and negative coments.Woman are always whining,they are educated in away that they want to get equality in the society by doing marchs and cying and sueing,but they have to overcome and get over it and if they want for them to be recognize in a society they have to work for it and show them that they can do whatever they propose!
And im really clear that we have a lot of diffrent types of cultures in which women are no part of society,but seeing the prospective in honduras we are the type of women that we show as (pobre la mujer) a clear exam,ple womens that are beaten by thier husband and abuse they do not do anything to stop living in that situation because they depend of their husband, why dont they get a job an education to overcome that obstacles of bieng dependent of someone else!they chose their live styles!