Elder Abuse
What are some of the problems elders face?
- Old people are more likely to live alone and be poor.
- About 5% of elderly live in nursing homes.
- Patients in nursing homes are dehumanized.
- The members of their own families are the most common abusers of elders.
Poverty is a moral and social issue that plagues all countries (regardless of their economic standing on a global level). Elder people are definitely of more concern; so are children. They are unable to defend themselves againts abusers. This is so true and yet so sad.
one should not judge another based on their physical appearance. physically abusing an elder person or a matter of fact, anyone is beyond dissapointing and wrong. elder people have as much right as any one else. ever heard of the word RESPECT>
I believe that we are all part of social inequality do to the fact that we all critize people by their physical appearance. We have to try to stop hurting people, specially the ones that can't quite take care of their own. We need to stop violating peoples rights and we need to start helping them feel confortable with theirselves.
nursing houses through out the world are degrading to old people because they isolate them from society.sometimes donations that are supposed to be given to help them are stolen, activities for recreation and development are not promoted. i think they should keep a close eye on these institutions!!
My opinion is that social inequality is a subject to treat because it is affectinbg everybody in our society. Its affecting the different groups like women and men old and youngs. It is something we should take care off and if they need our help lets help her.
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