Monday, May 5, 2008

Global Stratification

1. Stratification
Is a way to rank or order a large group of people according to their privileges.

2. 4 Mayor forms of divions
  • Slavery: some individuasl owe other people. the causes of slavery are debts, crimes, war and others
  • Caste: it is a system predominant in India and SouthAfrica andis determined by birth and status, it is for ever.
  • Estate: it islike feudalism were societys is divided in nobles, clergy, and peasants.
  • Class: large group of people who rank close to each other in wealth, power, and prestige.

Wealth: it consistin property and income, inconcentrated in the upper class.

Power: is the ability to take one's way even though resistance.

Prestige: respect or regards to a persons occupation.


Social Mobility

1. Intergenerational Mobility
Refers to changes in social class from one generation to another to the next.

2. Structural Mobility
Refers to the changes in society that lead large numbers of people to change their social class.

3. Exchange Mobility
Is the movement of large numbers of people from one class to another.

Who are the poor?

Poverty may affect individuals or groups, and is not confined to the developing nations. Poverty in developed countries is manifest in a set of social problems including homelesness and the persistence of "ghetto" housing clusters. It is unequally distributed. Racial-ethnic minorities, childresn, women-headed households, and people who live in ruralareas are more likely to be poor.

Why are some people poor?

1. Individual Causes

For example droping out school, bearing children in the teen years, lazyness, and lack of intelligence.

2. Structural Causes

It emphasizes in racial-ethnic, age, and gender discrimination, as well as changes in the job market.

Third World Countries

How did they come to exist?
  • Colonialism
  • World System Theory
  • Culture of Poverty

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Gender Based Inequalities

How did females became a minority group?

  • Women are limited in their physical activities because they are the only ones that give birth and nurse kids.
  • It was men who take care of the most important task in the house, like bringing food, hunting, etc.
  • Little prestige was given to women work.
  • Women are limited with physical strength than men.

Gender Based Inequality

Gender and Work
  • There is an income disparity between women and men.
  • Occupations have become segregated based on the amount femininity or masculinity.
  • Teachers, nurses, secretaries, and librarians have become female-dominated occupations, while occupations including architects, electrical engineers, and airplane pilots remain predominately male.

Gender Based Inequality

Gender Based Issues

1. Feminism

The feminists conducted a criticism of social inequality between women and men, proclaiming and promoting women's rights.

2. Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment violates peoples rights, dignity, and morality. The techniques of harassment are basically words, looks, insinuations, lies, blackmailings, violence, and others.

Age Based Inequality

Elder Abuse

What are some of the problems elders face?

  • Old people are more likely to live alone and be poor.

  • About 5% of elderly live in nursing homes.

  • Patients in nursing homes are dehumanized.

  • The members of their own families are the most common abusers of elders.